LupoMove Puppy book

Now available on Amazon and in the orthoVET Shop

Our book includes videos (over QR-code) as well as exercise and training plans. Check out Amazon now to get your hardcover, paperback or e-book version.

LUPOMOVE PUPPY – The innovative build-up and prophylaxis programme for puppies

Orthopaedic prophylaxis – for the correct growing up of the puppy, for veterinarians and laymen. Including X-ray pictures and illustrative material.
The progressive veterinarian Dr. med. vet. Patrick Blättler Monnier came to the realisation early in his professional career that not enough attention is paid to the role of prophylaxis in treatment. Based on many years of professional experience and research, he demonstrates in this work the importance of prevention in veterinary practice.
Using multimedia and concrete, practical material, Blättler Monnier shows where the blind spots in medicine lie – and how they can be addressed. With vivid videos that can be accessed via QR code, as well as training plans, medical insights and tips for every day.

1. new scientific findings
2. introduction to orthopaedics
3. the form-function-variations (FFV)
4. the neurophysiology of movement
5. hip joint dysplasia
6. the loose hip joint, kinematics and classification AI (machine learning)
7. early diagnosis of hip dysplasia in puppies (16-20 weeks of age)
8. LupoMove Puppy
9. the nutrition of the puppy
10. the drag training
11. cold and heat protection of puppies

We support veterinarians, dog owners, physiotherapists and everyone who spends time with dogs. With video sequences of movement patterns, x-rays and kinematic measurement protocols, medical insights are explained in a vivid and multimedia way.

Because prophylaxis works before disorders start – that’s why our prevention programme includes:

• Exercise and training programme in primary and secondary growth,
• Regulation of the quantity and quality of growth,
• Healthy and dog-friendly nutrition,
• Regulation of the immune system, metabolism and hormones,
• Prophylaxis various diseases, especially orthopedic.

Check it out over at

(Of course, you can still shop at our own homepage over at orthoVET – Shop )